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Outcomes of children’s and youthful FC «Euroshpon-Smyga» for a year

Every person with the arrival of the New Year wants to look back and analyze his activities for the previous year. And our football club wants to make the results of its annual life.

This training-competitive year was extremely busy and fruitful.
Competition during the winter months for FC «Euroshpon-Smyga» has its own peculiarity. We’re almost systematically in this time of year vising and competing in sports halls of our competitors (due to the lack of a our own sports hall). Exception is one football tournament «Ukraine wants peace», which is conducted on the basis of the sports hall of the Kremenets Pedagogical Academy. Different corners of Ukraine have well prepared our athletes for futsal competitions. In the winter, the boys from Smyga were able to take part in European level competitions in the Republics of Lithuania (2nd place) and Slovakia (6th place).

With the first spring rays of the sun, the competitive life of Smyga children was awakened by taking part in home tournaments during the II All-Ukrainian festival «I am a patriot», which was held in the village Smyga. Children of 4 age groups competed in it. The authority of this tournament is evidenced by the fact that the number of participants has increased geographically and quantitatively. The strength of our children’s football club has confirmed the prize places at each stage of the festival.

The time of summer holidays for schoolchildren is not a vacation for athletes. During this period, young footballers from Smyga used the opportunity to compete and improve their health at the European-level resort in the city of Alben, Republic of Bulgaria. It was in the summer there was a laying of basic physical qualities, technical and tactical actions for further battles.

Probably the apogee of all annual competitions was the participation of children’s youth football club «Euroshpon-Smyga» by two age groups in the European Weekend in the suburbs of Spanish Barcelona – Calella. The boys from Smyga surprised the whole of Europe with victory in the 2008 age category and receiving silver awards in the 2006 category.By doing so, they showed that the football club is moving in the right direction.
Another proof of the authority of FC «Euroshpon-Smyga» is that the pupils attended 2 matches on invitation: Championship of the Premier League of Ukraine – FC «Carpathians» Lviv – FC «Desna» Chernigov and the match of the Europa League – FC «Dynamo» Kiev – Jablonec (Czech Republic).

The brightest point was the participation boys born in 2007 in Transcarpathia – Berehove town, where the young men took the 3rd place and had the opportunity to have a good rest.

The football club does not stand still, as the children of 2012-2013 started their training process, who are already in their 5-6 years of age, are able to get acquainted with the basic principles of football.

We thank the main sponsor of the PJSC «Euroshpon-Smyga» for the opportunity to taking part in tournaments of International and All-Ukrainian level.

Author: Levkova Olena

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