Almost every week, the children’s and youthful football club «Euroshpon-Smyga» attends tournaments in different corners of Ukraine by different age groups. On this weekend players born in 2010-2011 headed by coach Vasily Demyanchuk equaled their forces at the International Tournament «Open championship of the KCYSS in the city of Netyshin».
Two days were very successful, all matches ended with a positive result. Everyone tried to manifest on a full and show his personality. The third – the most difficult day, in which the first game solved almost everything: or in the top three, or in a few steps to the prizes. FC «Veres-2» Rivne became our opponent. Hot support from parents, good, and well-chosen pre-match words of the coach have had a positive effect on the boys from Smyga. Because the match ended with a sure score – 3:0, which meant that our football club is at least in the top three.
According to the rules of the tournament, three of the strongest teams have won prize-winning places, competing in a circular system.
Therefore, FC «Euroshpon-Smyga» 2:2 FC «Fastiv»;
FC «Fastiv» 1:0 FC «Energetic» Netyshin;
FC «Energetic» Netyshin 3:1 FC «Euroshpon-Smyga».
Thus, children’s and youthful FC «Euroshpon-Smyga» 2010-2011 – bronze medalist of the International Tournament and Kononyuk Ivan was recognized by the panel of judges as the best attacker of tournament.
Author: Levkova Olena