It is no accident that the idea of sawing wood into thin sheets appeared in the highly developed culture of Ancient Egypt — a country in which live relatively than the Nile, there was only desert. Tree in the Ancient Egypt was rare and valued as precious stones, which were used to decorate furniture.
So, there was no production of veneer where dense forests cover the landscape, and where wood was scarce raw materials and there was a need to optimal use.
Handicrafts, which sliced veneer from the trunk of a crosscut saw, was a matter of long and difficult. However, the lovely wooden objects found in the tomb of Tutankhamun, clearly show that, despite the primitive methods of treatment, the people of that time knew how to show the inner beauty of natural wood.
Furniture, artistic excellence reached in the Renaissance and Baroque periods, as well as set up in the following centuries the great masters, shows how a simple need can become the cultural heritage and, ultimately, to develop a distinctive feature of each historical period. In ancient castles our view slides on artistically made wooden cover (often as inlays), the surviving furniture and interior decoration. Today it is the will of masters gone cultures, refined and advanced modern technology has found its application in industry.
Mechanization methods veneer occurred in the 19th century. That was in 1806. Marc Isambard Brunel received a British patent for the manufacture of the planer with manual transmission, and peeling machine developed Faverer Henry, also an Englishman, in 1818. In 1843 there was the first German factory, which at that time was still equipped with saws.
A sliced veneer was produced for the first time in the United States in the early 19th century. We used the machine width of about 1.5 meters in France in 1870, began producing veneer.
At the end of XIX century, the firm «Fleck» (Germany) has created another woodworking machine, which also used the principle peeling, but unlike its predecessor, this machine gave a continuous and more even thickness tape. Since then peeling machines repeatedly modernized, but the principle Vleck peeling remained unchanged.
Production quality veneer — is art. Professionalism and experience play a huge role. The high professional level is required to define and assess the quality of the raw timber, when deciding on treatment options in order to get the best picture, and, of course, is necessary for a correct evaluation of finished products to determine the best method of application.