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Species of wood for the production of veneer

Produce sliced veneer of different kinds of wood. Sliced veneer of «EVROSHPON-SMYGA» — a high-quality material from a solid hardwood, such as oak, ash (white and color), beech , maple, sycamore, alder, pine, cherry.

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Deciduous types of wood

The deciduous types of wood are divided into hardwood and softwood. Wood of such types practically does not smell, but a smell appears only at the fresh cut of wood and its treatment. Among the hardwood types oak, birch and ash are most often used. The most popular softwood trees are aspen and alder.

Oak is frequently used for making furniture. Oaken furniture is considered to be the most beautiful and durable, besides, dense wood makes it possible to adorn details with a relief fretwork. The durability and hardness of wood is necessary for making of small, but durable joints .Oak is one of not many types of wood from which it is possible to make the bent details of different radius. Due to the high content of tannic substances, oak is considered to be the steadiest one to rotting of all the deciduous trees.

Beech also belongs to the hardwood types. As to the qualities it is practically not worse than oak. It is treated, bent and saturated with different chemical solutions similarly well as oak. This quality is instrumental in the longevity of the varnished and painted coverings. But because beech is strongly warped at drying, it tends to rot, forming the wormholes, and it is rarely used for making furniture.

Ash is most often used for making furniture, veneer and parquet. Such wide application of ash is conditioned, first of all, by the qualities of its wood: durable, viscid, lasting, proof against rotting, with a beautiful picture, which is little warped at the loss of weight and well bent.

Birch is used not so often, as ash. The reasons are nonstability to rotting, the large loss of weight and susceptibility to warping. However, wood of birch is well treated, it enables to make a small relief fretwork. Besides, wood of birch is well saturated with chemical substances, it perfectly retains the lacquered covering.

Stuck, birch bark, elm present one type. Among basic qualities which are peculiar to this type, it is possible to name: density, durability and viscidity. At the loss of weight the wood is practically not warped and does not crack. Besides, after steaming the wood can be bent as you wish. Though, because of the dense structure the wood is badly polished, planed and painted.

Nut has a beautiful wood and is used for finishings. It is well treated, polished and saturated with chemical substances. Heavy and durable wood of nut does not warp and rot.

Aspen has a soft wood with little twigs. Aspen is well treated, but because of its porous structure small details can break practically during their production.

Poplar also belongs to the softwood type. Beautiful small details and wares can be made of such wood. But poplar is inclined to rotting, warping and cracking.

Alder is most often used for building houses and making furniture. Alder practically does not rot, and it is often used for building frames of wells. Also it is well used for building of pantries — it does not smell and does not absorb smells.

Linden-tree among all softwood trees is valued at making the large fretted details for furniture. Besides, it is one of not many types of wood which is not warped and does not crack at the loss of weight. Linden-tree has a durable structure which practically does not rot.

Wood of fruit-trees

Among rare types which are used in joinery and carpenter business, large part is taken by wood of fruit-trees. Wood of wild trees is mainly used here.

Pear possesses a dense homogeneous beautiful wood, used mainly for making small details. It is rarely possible to get a large board from a pear barrel. Though, not only because of this pear is used for the decoration of furniture. Its wood is arranged in such a way that at cutting the blade takes off shaving in the direction of growth of fibres and against them. In addition, it is well polished and saturated. There is another feature of pear — it belongs both to the hard and to the soft types. Raw wood is soft enough, but if to steep it and then to dry up slowly, wood becomes very hard. Among drawbacks, it is possible to name only one — without the lacquered covering the tree quickly becomes dark and begins to rot.

Apple-tree belongs to the row of the most beautiful and durable types of wood. However, after drying out the wood is so much warped, that it is better to work only with the well dried wood. As well as pear, it is used for finishings, making home utensil and decorations.

Plum, as well as apple-tree, is much subjected to warping and cracking at drying. Hard and durable wood with a number of coloured veins is perfectly cut and polished. It is used for making decorations and for the relief finishing of furniture. The sharpened utensil made of plum is also much valued.

Wood of rare breeds

Higher we described those types of wood, which grow at our place. But in Ukraine there are some popular imported types which are used for making furniture and decorations.

Mahogany grows only in the tropical forests. The concept «Mahogany» does not mean belonging to some breed, but presents the combination of various types of wood of a red colour. Wood of mahogany belongs to the soft types, well treated, polished, varnished. It is mainly used for finishing furniture and apartments. Because of the high price it is rarely used for making furniture.

Ebony is brought to us from Madagascar, Ceylon, and island of Saint Mauritius. Although wood cracks at the loss of weight, ebony is considered to be the most valuable. Its wood is dense, homogeneous, and black. The wood with barely visible layers of annual rings and vessels is more valuable. The wood with whitish layers is less valuable. The wood practically does not rot, is not warped at the loss of weight, and perfectly absorbs varnish. But it is not possible to polish ebony, because after this it looks worse.

Eucalyptus possesses durable, heavy wood which practically does not rot. This property is explained by the large content of essential oils in its structure which acts the same as resin in the wood of pine-tree. Eucalyptus belongs to the small number of arboreal types which are badly treated. The most frequently it is used for the basis of furniture, with the following decorating it with the insertions of other breeds or pasting it over with the veneer of mahogany or ebony.

Fernambuk is used for making mosaic. The most valuable are bows of violins and sticks of conductors, made of this tree. At storage fernambuk can change colour from yellow with orange ebb to dark-cherry or even black. Its wood is practically does not rot and does not warp. However, a just cut tree strongly withers, cracks and changes its form. It is only eucalyptus that is treated more difficult.

Palisander, as well as most types, is brought to Ukraine from South America. Wood of palisander possesses a porous structure and dense thin fibres. The peculiarity of this type is in its colour which depending on the predominance of some tint, changes from light-violet to the umber with a violet ebb. As well as fernambuk, it can change colour. If the wood is not polished, its colour can become practically black. Wood is perfectly treated, it does not rot. It is used for making furniture and various decorations.

Satinwood is rarely met at our place, and it is very expensive. In Ukraine it is used only for making insertions of mosaic and decorations. Wood of this type can have a yellow, red and brown tint. But regardless of colour of wood it always has small spangles which at varnishing give to the finished product the satin radiance and the gloss of soft streaming fabric.

Coniferous types of wood

Pine-tree is most often used as a building material. The colouring of its wood can be both reddish-yellow and primrose, but it does not influence the working properties of the wood. The wood is durable, easy, and comfortable in treatment. Besides, because of the high content of resin, the wood is very proof to rotting and influence of the atmospheric phenomena. The soft structure of wood allows easily to absorb different dyes. It concerns also the lacquered coverings. At drying out the wood of pine-tree is practically not warped.

Fir-trees are the second important coniferous type. As compared to a pine-tree, a fir-tree is somewhat worse. Mainly it is due to plenty of wigs. And it is worse subjected to treatment. There is less resin in the wood that is why it is much influenced by atmospheric phenomena.

Cedar, or Siberian pine-tree, is not worse than fir-tree, but at times even better. The wood of cedar is very easy in work, but the same as fir-tree, it is subjected to rotting.

Silver fir, on the workings qualities differs little from a fir-tree: it is easy treated and does not react to chemical substances. The same as on the wood of a fir-tree, there is little resin here that is why the wood quickly rots outdoors without special treatment.

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